Monday, May 12, 2008

Hello Everybody!

So yeah,

It's been almost a month since I've posted..... I have to apologize for the delay. Out of town, got back tried to get back into our normal routine again When BAM! everybody including myself SICK SICK SICK! But we all are getting better the kids got it much worse than I but there doing better. Still lingering remnants of a cough and the never ending runny nose but otherwise were doing well. A girl friend of mine was whining that I hadn't put up any photos of Maddy as of late.... SO BACK DOWN GIRL!! Here you go!

For those of you who I love and cherish and was unable to reach or talk to on Mothers Day.... I love you & I Adore you and wish you all the the Best in all the world for all of you.

Lots of Love and Hugs all around,


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